About us
We at Softing are experts for the exchange of digital data and the provision of information for applications in automotive industries, industrial production and for ensuring the performance of IT-systems. Our products and services enable our customers to optimize the efficiencies of their equipment and their value creation processes.
At Softing, our mission as a manufacturer of IT infrastructure cable testers is to optimize your work processes whether you are certifying copper and fiber optic cables after installation with the WireXpert, or troubleshooting an office network with the NetXpert XG2 BERT (bit error rate test) Tester. Softing handheld certifiers and cable testers are approved by 30 plus vendor’s independent testing and by the ETL international test lab. Make the switch to Softing and join the cable installers, network operators, and industrial facilities around the world that are now experiencing improved efficiency and an optimized work process.
Copper | Certifiers, qualifiers and verifiers
Despite the latest developments in fiber optic cable technology, copper is still the most common medium network installers and system administrators deal with on a daily basis. New transmission classes always present new challenges for measurement technology. In order to carry out correct measurements, both the correct measurement setup and the suitable measuring instrument are important.
Fiber | Certifiers, Qualifier and Verfier
A reliably functioning IT infrastructure forms the backbone of our modern information age. Of course data centers, and also the backbone of companies and in campus cabling, more and more fiber optic technology is being used today. With increasing bandwidths and ever higher demands on fiber optic cabling, it is no longer sufficient to simply plug cables together and assume that everything will work. Fast and reliable testing, and cleaning, of this cabling becomes an absolute must.
Wifi | Network Sniffer
Just a few years ago, wireless networks were the exception in companies. There were only small Wifi islands, which were not even considered in the planning of the enterprise network. Wifi often meant only one access point in conference rooms. In the current age of smartphones and tablets and the resulting enormous increase in mobile data usage, fast, reliable, and consistent Wifi coverage is a must for a company. Multiple connections must be made simultaneously, buildings can be complex, network requirements are constantly changing, and future data rates and standards must be considered.
Ethernet | Qualifiers, Active Lan Tester and Verifier
Ethernet has established itself as a transport protocol in the office world, and has also achieved a firm place in data centers, industrial applications, and even in the home sector. It is essential for the installer and operator of networks to have extensive testing tools in order to guaranty the smooth operation of the network. Different tests are required for installations, MACs (Moves, Adds & Changes), and troubleshooting. Until now, several test devices for the passive and active level were required. Today, the term “Ethernet” refers to the physical interface, i.e. the transmission medium, such as cables and connectors; the transmission protocol, as the basis for the well-known “TCP/IP” world; and the network components.
S3 Covered Geography

Things You Need To Know About
What is PoE?
In this video, we are going to explain what is PoE, the different modes and types of PoE, and what defines the different types of PoE.
Common Terminologies
of PoE
In this video, we are going to explain some common terminologies used in PoE.
How do PoE systems work, how to test PoE and parameters of PoE
In this video, we are going to explain how does a PoE system work, wow to test PoE using different types of devices, and what are the parameters to look out for when testing for PoE.